Kml Builder help  
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New: Create a new blank KML Document.
Open Locally: Open a local (on your computer) KML document. Supported file types are KML, XML, KMZ, ZIP.
Open From Web: Open a remote KML document. A dialog opens where you type the web address of the KML document.
Save: Save the latest changes or opens the Save As dialog if the file does not exist.
Save As: Opens the 'Save As' dialog. Unsaved changes in the current file will not be included in the Save As file.
Reload File: Reload the opened KML document. This is useful when adding Shared Styles as the newly added Shared Style(s) may not be available until the KML document is reloaded.
File Properties: Opens a dialog showing the open KML document properties. From here you can open the folder where the document reside as well as opening the sandbox folder where the temporary cached copy resides.
Restart Application: You may need to restart this application if for example Google Earth Plug-in crashes or if this application becomes unstable.
Recent Files List List of the most recent opened local KML files. If more than one file is listed, the top most item is the currently opened local file.
Restart Sandbox: Restarts the Sandbox Server. This can be useful when the images in balloons that are in the local sandbox do not load properly in the HTML description or HTML snippet editors.
Options: Opens the Options dialog.

Help (Local): Opens this help file.
How To: Opens this help file at the How To section.
Help Web  (Current): Go to Kml Builder web site help file which may contain updated help information.
Check for Updates: Checks for available updates online.
About: View information about NorthGates Systems and find out which version of Kml Builder, Plug-in and browser you are using.

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